Hello comrades!
Finally, there are some news from development of the game. First I must say sorry, I really expected, that I will able bring any video much earlier than now, but the game is huge and I was just busy with development. I will try to get better next time. Maybe some of you will ask why it's fourth development diary, not first? Because another three diaries was released before announcement of the game, just check our YouTube channel in case you missed those videos :-)
In the video you can see some of the "worth to mention" features which we have added into the game in last 3 months, so we are another small step closer to Early Access release. Aside of those features many time was spend also on fixing various issues or improving the game controls or mechanics.
If you would like to receive more frequent info from development of the game, aside of following the game on Steam, follow also the Facebook or VKontakte page where we posting the news more frequent.
That's all for now. Thank you all for your attention and your feedback to the game :-)
Peter Adamcik