Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic. As we are closing to the end of this winter season, we are closer and closer to another content update for the game. Our focus during past weeks was fully on things connected to water and sewage. There are quite a few issues we need to deal with, and, we want to make the game better for you, because there are lots of things you need to consider while planning and building up your wonderful republics.

Because of this we want to introduce the new City Planning Tab. It will be available in overlays, and it will be useful while planning your residential areas. Thanks to this feature you will be able to see how you are doing with coverage of facilities that provide satisfaction of needs for your citizens. You will be able to see how the access to different goods, education, and services is, and how is the connection to different networks like power, water, or sewage.

Of course, we also updated other tabs in overlays adding water and sewage features to help you see how much water flows through water distribution network or your sewage network. You will
be able to see how high the consumption of water is like you can see it with power consumption.

We are slowly coming closer to finish the water distribution system. We dealt with power consumption recently and worked on effects of pollution on water distribution. As we mentioned in previous reports, the cleaner the area around water source will be, the cleaner the water will be and the less treatment it will require to be safely drinkable. The player will be able to decide if he wants to dump sewage water directly into the river and cause high pollution or he will run it through sewage treatment to clean it a bit and create lower the pollution caused by dumped water.

We hope all of you are excited to see these new features and learn to use them. We believe these will add more options for difficulty making the game more challenging, but also offer you some improvement for your planning process. Just remember, we were a bit late with crime and justice update, and thus there may be a small delay in release of this update even the Road map shows this month was our main deadline. It is only one week left before February ends and we will continue to do our best to prepare this update for internal testing, so please be patient, as we do not want your republics to collapse releasing it prematurely. Until then, may your crime rate stay low and your workers productively happy and you satisfied not only while playing the game but also in real life. Stay tuned for the next report.
Thank You for Your Support
3Division Team
Taking sides is really not the best thing , show support for refugees and even the dlc by itself is good real good but taking a side and mentioning NATO is really a short sight this is not the place for it post on your personal social media
But what you did was to link personal opinion with your organization, was obvious that what followed such statement would be polarized.
So calling people "fun wreckers" not letting people post only escalated the issue I hope the dev blog witch is a part of your company stay free from personal opinion moreover when it comes to polics or religion.
Io possiedo un PC non del tutto scarso, ma dagli ultimi aggiornamenti non riesco a cambiare schermata senza che il gioco si blocchi o va in schermata nera (mi piace giocarlo con un video in sottofondo). Io suggerei di aggiungere una struttura per migliorare e gestire il trasporto dei pullman, visto che a volte un pullman verso una struttura si riempie con troppi lavoratori. Io in generale migliorerei la questione dei cittadini un po' troppo grezza
A Suggestion to all the critics out there:
Maybe create some kind of "Great Putinist Russia" mod for the workshop instead.
Please turn on the comment function under the new reports. This section has already turned into a warzone with no room for discussion of game features:
I really like the new DLC idear and I would like some place to put suggestions for buildings and vehicles. Also the new cursor would have awful visability during winter - maybe blue is a better color.
Extremely hypocritical!!!
Why didn't you up the Armenia DLC? Is it because the US did not condemn and sanction Azerbaijan? Is it because Azerbaijan is also a NATO country?
If you think you're doing the right thing now, just up the Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia DLC and donate the associated revenue to them.
F*ck NATO, F*ck Nazi