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Report for the Community #46

Greeting dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic. Few more weeks of our lives passed away since we published the last report. The Earth is still circling around the Sun and the Sun is still shining, even with all the events we witnessed during past weeks in the world. At least something is out of power of men, and we do not need to worry about mistakes people can make in that regard, (our Earth is circling around the Sun). We hope you are doing well and that you spent these days doing meaningful things not only for yourselves but also for others, because we never know how much time is left in our lives in which we may have positive impact on lives of others. We already know there is quite an impact of our work on many through this game and we hope you will not allow people, who do not understand why this game is fun to destroy your enjoyment. We are not slowing down, and we are still working hard to get to our next milestone in development process.

Our pre-internal testing of the upcoming update is going well, and we were able to fix some critical issues. This week we will offer the updated game for more testers to help us find more potential issues. Then maybe a week afterwards we may be ready to release the game for public testing. So, what is new and may be interesting for you to know? We added more vehicles which can be used to transport water and sewage. We also implemented the water into some industries. You will need water at Food Factory, Distillery, Chemical Plant, Fabric Factory, Concrete Plant, Nuclear Power Plant etc.

It is important to mention that not all factories will require drinking water for production, but in those we need to distinguish between water used for production process and drinking water for the staff. The water used for production do not need to be so clean and you will be able to bring it in through separate pipelines. The same can be said about sewage water from factories like Chemical Plant which will have separate tank for normal sanitary sewage and water polluted through production process because the water processed through will have higher level of pollution. This means you do not need to bring that into the same sewage plant to purify it, but you can treat it separately. Many of you were curious if you can build or use a lake and dump the sewage water into that. It will be possible to do so, but you need to consider the pollution in the lake and whole area near it because currently there is no separate pollution for air and water in the game. If you will dump sewage water without any purification, the area where it will be dumped, will be highly polluted.

The factories which will require water for production will have new pipe connections to get the required water. Water distribution substations are meant to be used mainly to connect residentials and other public serving facilities. This also means that if you want to continue your existing map, you may run into problems, and you will need to rebuild some of your factories to get the required water and sewage connections properly. So, bear that in mind and if you want to continue your already developed Republic, take it as a challenge or just do not turn on the new difficulty level and continue without water and sewage.

We also added new function to technical services in case of emergency, or if players decide not to build the water distribution network or sewage network for some remote locations with few buildings. In those situations, technical services equipped with proper vehicles will be able to distribute drinking water and collect and transport sewage. The water distribution system requires lot of pipes and pumps which can be quite expensive in certain situations, especially if there is not that high demand for water or the output of sewage is not that high. In those cases, it may be economical to use vehicles instead of pipes. Of course, vehicles can bring the sewage into sewage plant to purify it before it will be dumped into nature.

Additionally, we changed the cursor to make it look better. We changed the color for white to allow better identification if it is above or underground. Besides that, we made improvements to how roads are curved and connected. There will be new visuals to show angles and diameters, and this will help many of you to plan better. Another thing to mention is that there will be a new option to use grid snapping during planning process. That means you will be able to place infrastructure and buildings exactly according to the grid precisely.

You do not need to worry about the progress of development. Even if we do something extra due to current circumstances, we are still focusing on the upcoming update of the game and we want to get it ready as soon as possible and get to next stage afterwards. There is still a lot to do, and we will continue to push forward. This is the only way how to make this game even better that it is. We are all humans as much as you are, and we are not perfect, but we do our best to produce something meaningful and have meaningful lives. Games are here for entertainment and sometimes have some educational character too, but the most important is that players may have fun and be able to play with sense of something better than reality, which is often cruel. We wish you enjoyment and fun not only while you play games but also with those who love you, and you love. Stay tuned for the next report.

Thank You for Your support

3Division Team

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