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Report for the Community #55

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Greeting dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. We hope you are doing well and if you are suffering in this heat wave, you can at least find some ways how to enjoy some of that. We had the whole team on the vacations past weeks so we did not make so great progress, but for all of us the vacations are over, and we will start in full number tomorrow. If everything goes well then, we will be able to release the update for internal testing in few weeks which means we would like to release it for public testing before the end of August.

The Realistic mode seems to work fine and one key issue for it to work properly was solved. You will not need helicopters to construct some infrastructure which does not have direct road access. As example we can mention heating pipes which may be of three parts and before you were not able to construct the middle part. Now it will be enough if one end of the whole pipe is connected to a building with a road and the construction offices will be able to approach all pieces from that side. It will also make changes in electric wiring easier to make as you will not need to delete the whole piece to the switch or substation to be able to construct it.

Garbage management

This week we were adding new graphics to the game and now we can show you some brand-new garbage trucks. They are fresh never driven and never loaded so you cannot smell all the garbage they are up to collect in future.

We started to work on garbage management, and it will not be simple garbage collection even there will be a simplified version and a complex version. There will be quite a few added resources and you will have to separate several types of garbage and process them afterwards. Some of waste will be useful in some industrial facilities, other will be burnable. Different industries will produce different waste and you will have to deal with remains of destroyed buildings too - this will be part of complex version. It will add quite a bit of complexity again but hopefully it will not be that difficult to implement into existing Republics as water was because most of the facilities will be easy to build in short enough time.

Help for Ukraine DLC report:

We also want to inform you about Ukraine DLC. There were 3903 units sold in May with net profit* of $18,535.36 which we rounded up to $20.000 and then in June there were 1672 units sold with net profit* of $7590.59 which we rounded up to $8.000 and sent it to the Ukrainian Red Cross. We had to contact them first because the only option how to donate on their website was by Credit Card Payment but then they provided us with a USD account number. They were pleasantly surprised about the initiative and will have an effective use for the money they received.

There is still quite a bit of work ahead of us to prepare the update for release. We hope you can wait a bit longer and give us the time we need to make it fun to play. That is in the end the main reason we all play games. We are looking for fun and ability to do things we cannot do in real life even if it may be a waste of time to certain extent. But in the end, we can learn new things, develop new skills, and even meet new people through our passion for games. We believe that can be the story for all of us so until next time stay safe and enjoy what you got in this life as you are waiting for the upcoming report.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team

*net profit is selling price without Valve share and VAT tax (where applicable). Note that selling price is different country to country.

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