Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. Another 2 weeks have passed since last report and lot of water did flow through Slovakia in Danube River. Maybe it is not that much as other years used to be, but it is lot, nevertheless. Today we have somewhat fewer exciting subjects to write about, but it is still another report, and we have something special for those who enjoy not only playing the game but also making content and especially maps.

While we are working on fixes and tweaks to make the Metro update ready for public stable release, we had a side project which started back in time when we introduced adjustable borders for the maps. And today we can proudly inform you that we finished a new map for the game based on Slovakia. Things cannot have realistic size so it is scaled down a lot, and lots of rivers are missing, but this map is a showcase how things can be done, and we are sure there are many talented people who can do even better than we did. From the screenshots you can see this map can be quite challenging to play because terrain is not that flat, but you can find good areas there to build up the new Soviet Slovakia or at least it’s scaled down version in game.
We also want to use this report as an opportunity to offer anybody who is familiar with map creating for the game and has made some good and well thought through maps, a chance to do something for the game and potentially get some financial reward for that.
If anybody has the confidence that he/she can make a map for the game that may be included as one of preinstalled maps, there is the contact form on our webpage to contact us and make a deal with us.
You understand correctly, we are willing to financially reward somebody who will make a maps for the game. But it is not a competition this time and you need to contact us first and then we can negotiate about the subject. Please, when contacting us add link to your work, images or directly the workshop items!

Now back to some interesting tweaks and fixes. One of them was made because we found some players who were exploiting the price change mechanic to make some speculative trades and thus cheating the system. No, we are not sending them to prison this time, but we changed the mechanic, and now if you buy huge amount of resources the price will change instantly to avoid selling that in couple of days with profit. Of course, we do not need to do this with selling because if you would try to do it the opposite way the price will pick up instantly again, so this is the end of these types of speculations.

From other stuff we want to mention that now it will be able to assign foreign border connections to helicopter construction offices through the window of the office. Then we also fixed the problem with assigning panel tram roads to construction offices through assignment tool. From other things we removed water and sewage wagons from the game because they were added by mistake and trains were not meant to be used for transportation of these resources. And also, we had to make some tweaks for crime as criminal case distribution did not work for multiple courthouses as intended and only one court was getting all the cases, which was critical. Besides that, we adjusted the was how convicted criminals are being placed into prisons. And also emergency vehicles are now able to use tram panel roads.
It was a lot of fixing as you can see from recent changelog, and we made a substantial progress in this department. The update is not ready for release yet, but we are closer to that. It is not always about exciting new stuff, and we need to take care about existing things too. So, this report is more about what we already have and what was made better. Later we will focus on new stuff again but now we want to make the update available also for those who do not dare to play the public beta version because there are quite a few improvements in the update which will make the game more enjoyable for them. So, until next time, enjoy life and stay safe and tuned for the next report.
Thank You for Your support
3Division Team
I really enjoy playing this game thank you for all the hard work, best team ever
1. ked zapnem hru, tak niektore vozne metra sa mi otocia, stale ich otacam, ale stale sa niektore po chvilke otoci
2. nefunguje percenta, ked chcem v distribucke vlakovej nalozit tovar iba pri urcitych percentach
3. ked staviam cesty, kolajnice, kable, potrubia, pod zemou ale aj nad zemou, tak sa niektore nepostavia, musim klikat osobitne na nich a znova dat za peniaze stavat
inac ale perfektna hra, len tak dalej
Hello 3Dvision team, thank you for your work and support Ukraine. Please add bridge junctions. <3
So amaizing to see how you keep the good work focusing on details!!!
Going to play it at once!!! CONGRATS!
Nice update again! I sure want to try out to make maps with a natural border!