Greetings, dear comrades of the Soviet Republic and avid fans of this marvelous game. It's been two weeks since we released the waste management update for public testing. During this time, we've been hard at work fixing many bugs and other issues. We're focused on that, but we always strive to bring you something fresh and new with each report. And today, we have just the thing!

We've heard your requests, and we're happy to let you know that we've made the final steps to implement a feature many players have been asking for. It's not a completely new feature, but rather an improvement to an existing one. We're adding new pathways to complement the ones you already know. These new pathways, made of asphalt and featuring lamps, will become part of the game's scenery.

These pathways work like the old ones, but they come with a little advantage. They allow for longer walking distances, which can be quite handy. However, keep in mind that there's a trade-off. If you choose to use lamps on the pathways, you'll need electronic components for construction, and it will take longer to build. So, while they make walking more convenient, they're a bit more challenging to construct.

The lamps on these pathways will emit smaller light particles compared to regular road lamps. And don't forget, for them to shine in the darkness, you'll need to have power available in the area.

Before we get into things from our changelog, we'd like to address the modders. We kindly ask you not to update your mods by adding these new features just yet, as it may cause crashes. Some people might be using your mods without playing the Public Beta version, and they could encounter issues because of that. If you want to make updates, it would be better to wait until we release the stable version. Alternatively, you can create a new mod in the workshop but do not forget to clearly specify in your mod description that it is only compatible with the Public Beta version.

Now, let's talk about some updates worth mentioning that we've implemented since the last report. One of the most important additions is the support for waste transportation by trains. We know that some of you want to use trains for waste processing, and now you have some options. The Rail Distribution Office now supports waste transportation. Just connect a cargo station to waste storage facilities and assign it accordingly.
As you can see, we always find ways to add something new, even while dealing with issues during public testing. As the game grows and matures, there are always unexpected challenges that arise. We're doing our best within the constraints of the code, but it's not always easy, especially with such a complex economic simulation where everything is interconnected. We want to thank you for your patience and cooperation. Without your feedback and participation, the game wouldn't be as good as it is. That's all for today. Don't forget to enjoy life, have fun, and stay tuned for the next report.
Thank you for your support
3Division Team
- brak możliwości budowy jednokierunkowych połączeń z fabryk (dotyczy nie tylko śmieci)
- jak transportować, oprócz śmieciarek, śmieci zmieszane z fabryk poza granice kraju np. pociagami (próbuję różnych prób i w żaden sposób nie daje się tego zrobić) ? (Pomimo, że są odpowiednie wagony, to nie da się wywozić śmieci)
- czy popiół da się ponownie spalić ? Czy trzeba go wywozić za granicę ? Jeśli trzeba wywozić za granicę, to jak (nie licząc ciężarówek) ?
Generalnie widzę problem ze śmieciami zmieszanymi, wytwarzanymi przez fabryki. W żaden inny sposób nie da się ich wywieźć jak tylko śmieciarkami a to jest bezsens. Trzeba udostępnić możliwość wywozu pociągami, bądź ewentualne ich spalenie jako energię elektryczną bądź energię cieplną.
Może ja coś źle…
It would be nice to have an oil storage & dry bulk silo with a rail connection, so that the Rail Distribution Office could use it in a way that supports setting %. Without them filling these storages requires constant running trains to and from unloading terminals even if they could not accept any more cargo, just to be sure they won't become empty at some point.
I report a bug (or a feature): if you want to start without science an built then destrubution offices and then activate the science tree then you cant develope destrubution anymore...
The inputs and outputs of buildings (road, water, sewage, energy, aggregates, etc.) could be aligned with the construction grid. Congratulations for this amazing game! :)
Уважаемые разработчики этой Супер игры !!! В игре очень не хватает :
Дизельное топливо 🚚🚉 ,
Керосин авиационный ✈️ ,
Газ пропан и бензин "Аи 92-95" 🚕🚐 !!!