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Report for the Community #91

Greetings, dear comrades of the Soviet Republic and all the fans of our game. Just a few days ago, we took another significant step towards completing our game by releasing version to all players. This update includes all the features we have discussed in previous reports, along with a few surprises not previously mentioned but noted in our changelogs.

A major addition is the larger chemical plant. This facility boasts nearly twelve times the output of the smaller version and requires 700 workers. It occupies a vast flat area, but managing this behemoth involves more than just space. Consider the increased volumes of hazardous waste and toxic water, along with the need for multiple medium voltage substations to power it at full capacity. Despite these challenges, the plant's efficiency and grandeur are undeniable. 

We also have a new variant of the cement plant. While not a game-changer in terms of production, offering about 20% more output than the standard version, it's a visual treat with more conveyor and factory connections.

As for essential buildings, we have added variations to the technical services. Previously, there was only one type with eight vehicle slots. Now, we introduce two more: one with four slots and another with fifteen. These should cover most scenarios, especially with the growing demand for waste truck services.

Road cargo stations now come in different sizes too. Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach. We have added a smaller version with two loading/unloading spots and a larger one with six. This variety allows for more tailored logistics planning in your Republic.

Decorations and non-practical elements have also received attention. We have expanded the variety of fences and gates, including road, pedestrian, and railroad gates, to enhance roleplay and aesthetic appeal.

In terms of beautification, we have added more fountains, bringing the total to nine distinct styles. These can add a touch of elegance to your Republic's public spaces.

For the meat production enthusiasts, we have introduced a large meat storage facility. Inspired by a popular modded version, this new addition features refined textures. Remember, proper power is essential to prevent spoilage.


Other noteworthy additions include different variants of railroad aggregate loading/unloading and liquid railroad loading/unloading stations.


These updates reflect our commitment to maintaining the Soviet theme of our game. We focus on enhancing gameplay and providing practical variants, prioritizing utility over aesthetic diversity. This approach aligns with the centralized planning ethos of our game's world. For those seeking more variety, our vibrant modding community continues to create diverse and imaginative options.


This report does not cover every new addition but highlights those we find most interesting and useful. We hope you enjoy discovering and utilizing these new features in your Republics.


That concludes our report. Enjoy life, game on, and stay safe. We look forward to sharing more updates in the future.


Thank you for your support,

3Division Team.



maikl bokins
maikl bokins
Mar 18, 2024

Уважаемые разработчики этой Супер игры !!! В игре очень не хватает :

Дизельное топливо 🚚🚉 ,

Керосин авиационный ✈️ ,

Газ пропан и бензин "Аи 92-95" 🚕🚐 !!!


Feb 19, 2024

I really like the new building skins. Especially for the chemical plant. I never liked the old one and always used modded versions from the workshop. Is it planned to improve the steel mill as well? I dont like the current vanilla building. In comparison to other in Game-buildings like Aluminium production chain and real Steel mills its tiny. I would like to build huge integrated industrial complexes. It was a big challenge for socialist european states after WW2 to produce enough steel. For me the representation of Steel production in the Game is quite underwhelming. Of several production steps only pig iron production in the blast fournace visually is represented. Perhaps coking plants for coal refinement and sinter plants…


Adam Kopacz
Adam Kopacz
Feb 09, 2024

Dodajcie wreszcie nowe samochody straży pożrnej!!!!

Letusgo Iron
Letusgo Iron
Feb 10, 2024
Replying to

po lubić własny komentarz to jak zgodzenie się odbiciem samego siebie


Jan Kovac
Jan Kovac
Feb 05, 2024

First of all thanks a lot for this great game, have already 1000h and counting. However i guess that there are some improvements that could make this game even better:

  • when building for ex water pump, it needs very little amount of bricks, boards and steel meaning that right now it takes 3 trucks to do the whole delivery. Was wondering whether it would be possible for the trucks from the CO to pick up different materials on them to maximize the efficiency? (ofc only if the source has all the materials - example of the customs house)

  • multi-lane roads + bridges forks + better traffic (that would mean that we could ave as objective personal car for every citizen)

Letusgo Iron
Letusgo Iron
Feb 08, 2024
Replying to

I also have 1kh and 2.1k mods, but I agree with the rest of what you wrote


Charlie Box
Charlie Box
Feb 04, 2024

Can you change the price of crude oil? I think it is too OP in a realistic mode. Respectively, you shouldn't be able to see oil deposits without geological exploration. Also, oil deposits should be less in the randomly generated map, as well as rock. Moreover, it should not be available on flat terrain.

P. S.: I will send bug report about issue with walking pedestrians between 2 bus stops on different road types.

Letusgo Iron
Letusgo Iron
Feb 08, 2024
Replying to

after all, there are also historical events in terms of prices, and the prices of a differently generated game are different for goods without historical events included.


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